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What is serialization?

Objects, variables, data in the program are volatile, stored in RAM. After switching off the program - they disappear. Serialization is about saving an existing object in permanent memory - to a file, database, etc.

Pickle module

The easiest way to serialize is to use the pickle module, which transforms any object into a series of bytes. Then this byte stream can be transferred or saved and later reconstructed to create a new object with the same properties.

Serialization example

    import pickle

    data = {
        'a': [1, 2.0, 3, 4+6j],
        'b': ("Alice has a cat", "Python programming is great"),
        'c': [False, True, False]

    with open('data.pickle', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(data, f)

As we can see, we can serialize data of various types: strings, logical values, numeric values, and even objects such as lists and dictionaries. We need to remember to pass the mode to 'wb' in the open function, because pickle converts objects into a series of bytes.

Deserialization example

    import pickle

    with open('data.pickle', 'rb') as f:
        data = pickle.load(f)

The result of executing the above code will be:

    {'a': [1, 2.0, 3, (4+6j)], 'b': ('Alice has a cat', 'Python programming is great'), 'c': [False, True, False]}

which is exactly what we wrote above to this file. As with saving, here we must remember to add 'b' to the file open mode in the open function.


Another file format to which we can save data in Python is CSV (comma-separated values). This time, however, it is a format for storing data in text files.


Here we see an example of data in this format, opened in a text editor. As the name says, these are values separated by a comma.


And here we see the same CSV file, but opened in a spreadsheet (here in LibreOffice) - this software treats a comma as a separator and places the data separated by it in separate columns.

Example of reading from a CSV file

    import csv

    with open("employees.csv") as in_file:
        reader = csv.reader(in_file)
        for row in reader:
To be able to process CSV files, we must use the csv module. We use the open function to open and access the employees.csv file, then create a csv.reader object that allows us to iterate through the contents of that file line by line.

WThe result of the above code will appear in the console:

    ['employee', 'salary']
    ['John Smith', '2500']
    ['Jenny Scoot', '7500']
    ['Kate Noris', '10000']

Example of saving to a CSV file

    import csv

    with open("employees.csv", 'a') as out_file:
        writer = csv.writer(out_file)
        writer.writerow(["Jenny Scoot", 2500])

As before, we use the open function to open and access the employees.csv file - this time with the 'a' flag so we can write to it. Next, we create the csv.writer object that will allow us to write another line to this file.

Execution of the above code will add the next line in the "employees.csv" file, where the text "Jenny Scoot" will appear in the first column, and the value 2500 in the second column.


JSON (ang. JavaScript Object Notation) is another way to store and transmit text data. Often used for communication and information transfer when creating and using web APIs (e.g. in the REST standard).


An example of a JSON file is shown above. As we can see, it has a certain key-value structure. A single value or collection can be written under a given key.

An example of reading from a JSON file

    import json

    with open("example.json") as in_file:
        data = json.load(in_file)

To be able to process JSON files, we need to import the json module. We use the open function to open and access the example.json file, then use the load method from the json package to read its contents and store it in the data variable.

The above code will print the value under the key 'dogs' from the dictionary in the picture.

    [{'id': 0, 'name': 'maja', 'race': 'pies'}, {'id': 1, 'name': 'milus', 'race': 'pies'}]

An example of writing to a JSON file

    import json

    students = [
            'name': "John",
            'surname': "Smith",
            'score': 20
            'name': "Kevin",
            'surname': "Scoot",
            'score': 17

    with open("students.json", 'w') as out_file:
        json.dump(students, out_file, indent=2)
As before, we use the open function to open and access the employees.csv file with the 'w' flag so that the file is created and we can write data to it. We use the dump method from the json package to save the students list to a file. The indent parameter specifies how much indentation (counted in the number of spaces) should be at the beginning of each successive level in the file.

Calling the above code will create the file "students.json" with the written information from the list created directly in the code.

    "name": "John",
    "surname": "Smith",
    "score": 20
    "name": "Kevin",
    "surname": "Scoot",
    "score": 17