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HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a markup language (or so-called tag language) that allows you to determine what roles will be served by the individual elements on the website. These elements can be compared to the blocks from which we build the website. A list of all available tags, grouped by their categories, can be found on W3C SCHOOL. In this knowledge base we focus on describing the basic and most commonly used ones.


The simplest tag consists of a name and content. The tag should be opened and its name should be inside the < > characters. Most tags should also be closed. The closing tag should have the same name as the opening and should be inside the characters </ >, e.g:

<tagName>Content of the element</tagName>

HTML also allows you to nest tags, inside other (or the same name) tags, e.g:

    Content of the parent
        Content of the child

Tags, in addition to the name, may also have attributes. An attribute consists of a name and optionally of an attribute value, e.g:

<p hidden content="Hello">Content</p>

Browser's HTML interpretation

Web browsers (e.g. Chrome or Firefox) are applications that are able to interpret a file with HTML code. The code from such a file is analyzed and at the same time converted into a notation that the browser understands. HTML code parsing creates a DOM tree.