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This pattern separates the construction of complex objects from their representations, thus enabling the emergence of different representations in one construction process.

We use the Builder pattern when:

  • The algorithm for creating a complex object should be independent of the component parts of this object and the way of their compilation.
  • The construction process must take into account the different representations of the object being constructed.




  • Builder - abstract interface for creating target objects
  • ConcreteBuilder - a specific builder that creates and combines the components of the created object
  • Director - manages the creation of the object
  • Product - the generated complex object


  • The client creates a Director object and configures it with the desired ConcreteBuilder object
  • Director tells ConcreteBuilder to build a part of the product
  • The ConcreteBuilder processes the requests from the Director and adds parts to the product
  • The customer picks up the product from ConcreteBuilder


  • Enabling changes to the internal product representation
  • Separating the constructing code from the representation
  • Better control of the design process

Implementation example

class Cook:
    Director - manages the creation of the object
    def __init__(self):
        self._builder = None

    def prepare(self, builder):
        self._builder = builder

class PizzaBuilder:
    Builder - abstract interface for creating target objects
    def __init__(self): = Pizza()

    def prepare_dough(self): pass

    def add_extras(self): pass

    def bake(self): pass

class MargeritaBuilder(PizzaBuilder):
    ConcreteBuilder - a specific builder that creates and combines the components of the created object
    def prepare_dough(self): pass

    def add_extras(self): pass

    def bake(self): pass

class PepperoniBuilder(PizzaBuilder):
    def prepare_dough(self): pass

    def add_extras(self): pass

    def bake(self): pass

class Pizza:
    the generated complex object

def main():
    cook = Cook()
    # we choose a builder
    baking = PepperoniBuilder()
    pizza =